Condizioni di vendita


Privacy policy statement (Art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003)

Pursuant to Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, "Code concerning the protection of personal information" ("Code"), Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l., with headquarters in Via G. Marconi, 10/a 35030 Caselle di Selvazzano (PD), in the role of data controller pursuant to Article 4 of the Code, notifies users of the website (the "Site") as follows regarding the use of personal information.

Source of the information and type of information processed

The personal information processed by Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. is gathered directly from Site users when they register for offered services. Simple navigation of the Site, without subscribing to any of the online services, may entail the acquisition of information in a completely anonymous way. The Site uses cookies to gather information on how consumers use the web pages. Information (such as the type of browser being used, if you have clicked on a banner, the nationality of the server used by the computer, etc.) is gathered through cookies in order to make site navigation more efficient.

Data controller

The data controller is Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. with headquarters in Via G. Marconi, 10/a 35030 Caselle di Selvazzano (PD).

Purposes of data processing

The personal information gathered from registration forms for Site services and/or any information that may be obtained as part of the website navigation process, including sensitive data that may come into Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l.'s possession through the customer's initiative in relation to specific operations that are arranged or particular services requested by the customer will be processed for the following purposes:

  1. Fulfilment of obligations provided for by laws, regulations, EU regulations, and instructions set forth by authorities and supervisory bodies;
  2. Management and execution of the precontractual and/or contractual relationship with customers/users in Italy as well as within or outside the European Union by loading the provided information into the computer systems of Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. and its subsidiaries/affiliated companies;
  3. Communication of information and commercial promotions, also through automated systems, telephone, SMS, MMS and email, regarding the offer of Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. products and services, as well as for market research, surveys and customized or statistical analysis, also through electronic processing, of the information obtained following navigation of the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. website and through other services offered by Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. in order to send commercial information based on consumer choices and listed preferences, using the methods mentioned above.

Pursuant to Articles 24.1.b) and 43.1.b) of the Code, consent for data processing is not required for the purposes set forth under points (1) & (2).
Instead, in the specific box on the registration form, the interested party shall provide his/her consent to process data (excluding sensitive information) for the purposes set forth under point (3).

Data-processing methods

With reference to the purposes listed under point 'Purposes of data processing', data processing, including the operations indicated under the definition of "processing" set forth in Article 4 of the Code (such as collection, registration, processing, extraction, comparison, communication and cancellation), will be performed with the aid of manual and automated instruments, for which Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. has adopted suitable security measures in order to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of said data.

Mandatory/optional nature of providing information

Providing information is not mandatory. Nevertheless, failure to provide the information listed on the form to register for services or other personal information that may be requested for the purposes of the contractual relationship may make it impossible for Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. to establish and/or continue, wholly or in part, the contractual relationship or to provide the requested services.

Categories of parties to which the data may be communicated or that may become aware of the data

Personal information may be communicated to:

  1. Other companies in the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. (when the information is loaded into the company computer system);
  2. outside companies that Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. may use to manage the contractual relationship with customers or for its own organizational and business needs, which may be specialized in: (a) banking, financial and insurance services, including parties involved in payment system management; (b) services for the acquisition, registration and processing of data; (c) activities for the printing, transmission, placement in envelopes, transport and distribution of communications; (d) services for filing documentation regarding contractual relationships; (e) debt collection services; (f) IT services and management of the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. computer system and of telecommunications networks (including email); (g) assistance and consultancy firms or companies; (h) parties that perform the control, auditing and certification of activities set up by Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l.; (i) call centres and agencies and/or agents commissioned to promote Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l.'s goods and services; (l) market analyses and communication services to propose commercial offers, including customized offers. These parties will process customers' personal information as independent data controllers or may be informed of the data as outside data supervisors when specifically appointed to do so pursuant to Article 29 of the Code. Your personal information may be disclosed to employees and collaborators, including outside ones, specifically tasked with data processing (with selected access based on function), and working in service and central offices and/or in the sales network of Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. that perform technical, support and corporate control activities. The list of outside data supervisors or the indication of the independent data controllers will be updated regularly by the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. Privacy Office and is available at Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l.'s legal headquarters.

Rights pursuant to Art. 7 of the Code

In relation to the processing of personal information, based on Article 7 of the Code the parties to whom the personal information refers have the right at any time to request confirmation of the existence or non-existence of said information, know its content and source, verify its accuracy or request its integration, update or amendment. Pursuant to the aforesaid article, they have the right to request cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or blockage of any information processed in violation of the law, and in any case to oppose its processing for legitimate reasons.
Requests pursuant to Article 7 of the Code should be addressed to Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l., Via G. Marconi, 10/a 35030 Caselle di Selvazzano (PD).


Pursuant to the EU Directive on electronic communications and Provision 229 of 8 May 2014 issued by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data, the use of cookies to obtain your data is subject to your consent. Therefore, Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. is providing you with the following information about the use of cookies on our websites.

What are cookies and why are they used?

A cookie is a short text string that is sent to your browser and is then saved on your computer or mobile device whenever you visit a website. We use cookies for various purposes: for example, to offer you a fast and secure digital experience, to allow you to keep your connection open to the protected area while you are navigating the website pages, to safely save your user ID and password, and to identify the site pages you have visited to avoid proposing them again. The cookies saved on your computer cannot be used to obtain any data from your hard disk, transmit computer viruses or identify and use your email address. Every cookie is unique in relation to the browser and device you use to access the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. site. Some of the functions performed by cookies can also be handled by other technologies. In this document the term "cookie" refers to cookies and similar technologies.

What types of cookies are used?

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are essential to navigate the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. website; they permit functions such as authentication, validation, management of the navigation session and fraud prevention.

Functionality cookies

These cookies provide additional functions and allow us to keep track of your choices, such as the language you have selected and the font size you prefer.

Performance cookies

These cookies keep track of the pages you visit most often and your activities on the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. website. They also allow us to immediately identify and solve any technical problems you might experience while navigating our website. The information saved by these cookies is aggregated and anonymous, and is never used to collect your personal data for advertising purposes.

Advertising cookies

Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. uses these cookies to ensure that the marketing messages you receive through our website cater to your preferences.

Third-party advertising and retargeting cookies

Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. works with partners that may use cookies to narrow down the target of our advertising messages on our site but also on other websites that Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. uses to channel its advertising messages. The aim of our advertising policy is to offer you pertinent messages based on your previous visits to our site, the pages you have viewed most often and other data such as how you use our products and/or services.

Managing your cookie preferences

You can set up and manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.
If you would like to block or delete cookies received from the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. website or any other website, you can do this by changing the settings on your browser through the "Help" or "Guide" function. Remember that if you choose to disable all cookies, the strictly necessary, functionality and performance cookies will also be blocked, which could hinder you navigation on the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. website.
Please remember that cookie preferences on the Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l. site will not be active on other websites.

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