

Mollificio F.lli Pagnin s.r.l.
Via G. Marconi, 10/a
35030 - Caselle di Selvazzano (PD)
Phone +39.049.630156
Fax +39.049.8975315

Email info@pagnin.it
Email amministrazione@pagnin.it

P.IVA IT03369410281
Reg. Imp. PD - Cap. Soc. Euro 102.883 i.v.

We does not have finished products for direct sale or catalogues.

How to reach us:

From the highway A4, coming from Milan, take the exit of Grisignano di Zocco and go towards Padova.
Coming from Venice take the exit of Padova Ovest and continue towards Vicenza.

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